On Thursday evening, Christians around the world will remember the night that Jesus was arrested. Each of the gospels tells the story differently. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate Passover. After dinner Jesus and the disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Once there, Jesus invited three disciples to stay with him while he prayed. He asked them to, “stay here and keep watch with me.” There’s a haunting Taizé hymn using those words, press here to listen.
Jesus didn’t ask for much. He simply asked the disciples to be present with him while he was struggling. Unfortunately they were tired and they fell asleep. Jesus woke them but they could not keep their eyes open so Jesus ended up praying alone until Judas and others arrived to arrest him.
This Gospel scene is full of more meaning than we can understand so we just have to take it one lesson at a time. This year I am realizing that the disciples slept through one of the most important lessons of spiritual life. They missed the profound truth that God was there in that darkness. They missed hearing Jesus speak to the God he knew and trusted, even though the powers of the world were closing in around him and his human life could be measured in hours. The disciples missed seeing how that conversation with God in the darkness strengthened Jesus. He came to the garden “crushed with grief,” and left with a deeper reserve of peace than most of us can imagine. They missed the lesson that hard times are not a sign of God’s absence, but rather can be an invitation to enter into God’s presence.
It is tempting to rush through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday because Easter joy is the main event. It can be tempting to fill this weekend with activities and preparations for family gatherings. This year I invite you to set that temptation aside and stay with Jesus in the darkness for a while. Stay awake to God’s presence and peace when you’re tired or distracted. Bring your deepest fears to God in prayer knowing that God will meet you there.